Aggressive Defense Of Federal Drug Crimes
Individuals as well as alleged rings of traffickers of banned substances often face uphill battles in criminal cases. The federal government has virtually unlimited resources to apply to the investigation and prosecution of charges such as trafficking drugs as well as associated offenses such as conspiracy. If you are caught up in a federal drug trafficking case in any way, this is a time to turn to experienced, aggressive defense lawyers. At DMR, our lawyers apply proven methods to give defendants a chance at a successful case outcome. One tactic that can help is to get a case moved from a federal court to a state court. Our team considers all available options in support of our clients’ best interests.
Attorney Maria A. Dominguez-Victoriano is a former federal prosecutor with more than 30 combined years of experience in criminal law. She and the other defense attorneys at DMR have an established reputation for effective advocacy in Puerto Rico and Florida. They are available to evaluate drug trafficking and other federal cases.
Defending Against Charges Involving Diverse Substances
Our drug crime defense team at DMR provides noted criminal defense against charges of federal drug offenses, including drug trafficking. Frequently trafficked substances in such cases include:
- Fentanyl
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamines
- Other Schedule 1 drugs
Offenses in federal cases encompass manufacturing, distribution and trafficking of controlled substances such as those listed above. In addition, it is common for federal drug crime charges to include associated crimes – tax evasion, conspiracy, identity theft (ID theft) and other illegal activities that can facilitate drug trafficking. An aggressive defense strategy will include a full-scale defense of all charges, even those that may seem to be minor.
Get Your Defense Underway With Our Guidance
Our experience, knowledge and record of accomplishments in federal drug trafficking defense representation in Florida and Puerto Rico are all reasons to turn to our firm, DMR.
With offices in Miami and San Juan, we are ready to advise clients who have been charged with federal drug crimes in Florida, Puerto Rico or both. To schedule a consultation regarding any federal criminal case or serious state criminal charges, call our Florida office at 305-564-9334 or our Puerto Rico office 787-331-9970. You can also send an email inquiry.